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Nick Couldry Ltd Fundraising copy and design
Some of my work
All my work is designed to get a response – and my experience in the field of direct respose fundraising shows in the results my work gets.
These are just a few of the thousands of pieces of work I have been involved with over a 30 year period. I craft fundraising propositions, write copy and design formats.
Emmaus media insert
CFI cold mailing
Orbis warm appeal
Veganuary thank you video
Women for Women media insert
SolarAid student sales leaflet
BTO warm appeal
Friends of the Earth warm appeal
MSF Dispatches newsletter
The Brooke DRTV
Merlin warm appeal
Orbis newsletter
League legacy campaign
Railway Children media insert
National Zakat Foundation DRTV
World Jewish Relief warm appeal
Animal Free Research warm appeal
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