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Some of my work

All my work is designed to get a response – and my experience in the field of direct respose fundraising shows in the results my work gets.


These are just a few of the thousands of pieces of work I have been involved with over a 30 year period. I craft fundraising propositions, write copy and  design formats.

Screenshot 2018-12-29 14.58.00.png
Screenshot 2018-12-29 15.36.08.png
Emmaus media insert
CFI cold mailing
orbid cover.jpg
Orbis warm appeal
Screenshot 2018-12-28 14.30.15.png
Veganuary thank you video
WFW002 Choice insert3.png
Women for Women media insert
SolarAid student sales leaflet
Screenshot 2019-01-30 15.47.11.png
BTO warm appeal
FoE march17 appeal outer1.png
Friends of the Earth warm appeal
Screenshot 2019-02-02 10.08.13.png
MSF Dispatches newsletter
Screenshot 2019-01-30 15.56.52.png
The Brooke DRTV
Merlin warm appeal
Screenshot 2019-02-01 20.51.40.png
Orbis newsletter
LACS legacy fulfilment brochure
League legacy campaign
Railway Children media insert
Screenshot 2021-09-21 at 16.24.33.png
National Zakat Foundation DRTV
wjr outer thumb.png
World Jewish Relief warm appeal
AFR outer 2.png
Animal Free Research warm appeal
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